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Perspectives From Our Summer Extern Thumbnail

Perspectives From Our Summer Extern

1.  After your externship, could you see this as a possible future career?  

    Having spent time at Beacon Hill Private Wealth this week, I can certainly foresee wealth management as a potential career path. Before this experience, I had knowledge of the profession in general terms, but never experienced or witnessed the financial advising process. Assessing a client’s situation and exploring appropriate solutions piqued my interest during this externship. 

    2.  What are some things you learned during your time at Beacon Hill Private Wealth?

    I deepened my knowledge of some topics where I had some preexisting knowledge, such as stocks and bonds. I learned other topics for the first time, including the importance of asset allocation in helping clients to move toward their goals.  

    3.  What steps can students take to gain a financial advantage in their future?

    They are numerous ways to gain financial insight as a student, although many are not able to take advantage of this for numerous reasons. Students can enroll in classes that teach financial basics and prepare themselves for the competitive economy. In addition, opportunities such as these externships are tremendous ways to view the financial process in action by working with a professional.

    4.  How would you improve Beacon Hill Private Wealth?

    Creating awareness of Beacon Hill Private Wealth through targeted advertisement is a useful tool to attract prospective clients. Also, sponsorship of local community events can aid in spreading the word about the firm.

    5.  What are your most excited for going into your senior year at Delbarton?

    I am very excited to take the Macroeconomics class that is offered to seniors. I expect that it will expand my view and knowledge on the financial process with an emphasis on the pure economics side of it. 

    6.  What will you miss most leaving Delbarton?

    Although I still have my senior year to complete, I know that I will miss the various relations I have made at Delbarton, starting in seventh grade.  Whether it be between classmates, teammates, or teachers, the relationships we have formed is something that all of us hope does not leave when we leave Delbarton in a year.  The small class sizes have allowed students to get to know one another more personally and for teachers to care about the individual success of each student, as well as the progress of the class.

    Chase Kraeutler is a rising senior at The Delbarton School and completed an externship at Beacon Hill Private Wealth earlier this summer.

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