A Market Volatility Q&A with Tim Maurer and Larry Swedroe
From historical highs to gut-churning lows, volatility in the stock market last month certainly made for some remarkable financial news headlines. And while you may prefer said headlines not insert themselves into the midst of your holiday celebrations, moments such as these do offer an important opportunity to recall the “why” behind all the planning we do together.
This video provides a great conversation between authors Larry Swedroe and Tim Maurer. In addition to writing about, and educating investors on, investment management and financial planning topics, Larry is The BAM Alliance’s Director of Research and Tim is the Director of Advisor Development. Their informal, 30-minute video chat, recorded during this holiday break, provides insight and context on what’s occurring in the market—and how to prepare for what will happen next! We hope Larry and Tim’s thoughts bring you some clarity, as well as greater peace of mind. As always, we stand ready to talk in depth about any of the topics Larry and Tim discuss or any questions their conversation may surface as it relates to your own financial plan.
(C) 2019 The BAM Alliance.