Evidence-Based Investing
We design portfolios to help you achieve your financial goals. We don’t believe in trying to time the market, anticipate trends or identify mispriced investments. These techniques have been shown to be a highly unreliable way to build wealth.
Backed by over 50 years of research1, we use an approach rooted in smart diversification, low costs and tax-aware investments. We call this unwavering commitment and our approach to the data and research that drives everything we do, Evidence-Based Investing.
Evidence Based (aka Asset Class) Investing can offer:
- Low overall costs
- Tax efficiency
- Global diversification
- Consistent risk exposure to an asset class
- Long-term performance that can potentially outperform index returns
Because you can’t control the market, you need a plan that gives you the highest probability of being able to achieve your long-term goals. Do this by an evidence-based approach to investing, based upon the guidance and experience of a dedicated wealth advisor.
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How should we think about investing?
Your particular view of market pricing will shape how you invest, and there are basically three approaches: conventional "active" management, indexing, and our evidence-based way of investing, which is based on market pricing and dimensions of expected returns.
1 One of the earliest, most well-known papers was by William Sharpe in 1964. His paper, “Capital Asset Prices” in the Journal of Finance, described the relationship between risk and expected reward in financial markets.
Asset class investing does not guarantee a gain or protect from a loss and involves risks, including the loss of principal.
Beacon Hill Private Wealth is an independent, fee-only, fiduciary investment advisor providing evidence-based wealth planning solutions that simplify our clients' financial lives. Founder Tom Geoghegan, CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, RMA®, MBA is also a member of the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA).